Indonesia holds the potential of territorial and natural resources are extraordinary. NKRI strategic location is between two continents, Australia and Asia, and flanked by two oceans namely Pacific Ocean and is a potential area for traffic lane interstate. In addition, Indonesia is an archipelago (archipelago states) is a country that consists of a collection of islands, waters that are mutually concatenated (interconnecting waters) with other natural characteristics in a close affinity to form a unity. As an island nation Indonesia has about 17 505 islands scattered across Indonesia with a ratio of land area and water is 1:3.
One form of the potential of the sea that is rare is the existence of mangrove forest (mangrove), who has obtained a strategic role and function as a buffer marine life. Mangrove forest area is one of the rare, because the extent of only 2% of the earth's surface. Indonesia is the largest mangrove ecosystem in the world. This ecosystem has a role of ecological, social-economic, cultural and social-providers such as nutrients (detritus), place of spawning, larval supply, shock waves and wind, mudguard and trap sediment, absorbing waste and preventing sea water intrusion, maintaining the stability of the beach abrasion, absorption of CO2 emissions and has the function of conservation, education, as well as cultural identity.
However, an important role behind the condition of mangrove forests in Indonesia actually showed appalling conditions. Extent of damage of mangrove ecosystems of the world, including Indonesia very quickly due to the opening of the pond, mangrove deforestation, environmental pollution, reclamation and sedimentation, mining, natural causes such as hurricanes / tsunamis, and others. Destruction of mangrove forests in Indonesia reached 70% of the total potential of existing mangrove area of 9.36 million hectares. Approximately 48% or covering 4.51 million hectares were damaged and 23% or 2.15 million hectares in damaged condition. Based on existing data resources potential area of 9.36 million hectares of mangroves, the 3.7 million hectares are in forest areas, while 5.66 million hectares outside the forest area.
Based on the description above is casuistic authors want to express an idea of the existence of mangrove forests .. Expressed as wealth complexion environment has undergone a shift in the role and function of mangrove area due to the economic motives of coastal communities around the area. Forms of Mangrove Forest Ecosystem destruction by people who happen is typically done for the purpose, among others:
- Aquaculture. Conversion of mangrove ecosystems into pond is a major factor causing the loss of mangrove forests of the world. Ponds are a common sight, both milkfish and shrimp ponds and salt ponds.
- Illegal Mangrove Vegetation. Land clearing for farms through unsustainable logging is a major cause of mangrove destruction.
- Environmental Pollution. Pollution that occurs both at sea and on land can reach mangrove areas, since this habitat is ekoton between sea and land. Pollutants such as oil, garbage and industrial waste can cover the mangrove roots, thereby reducing the ability of mangrove plant respiration and osmoregulation, and eventually cause death. Apex coastal pollutants commonly found in mangrove areas is domestic waste, such as plastic sheets, plastic bags, the remains of rope nets, bottles, and cans.
- Reclamation and Sedimentation. Reclamation for the benefit of industry as well as sedimentation in a vast scale can damage the roots of the mangrove ecosystem due to the closing of breath and changes in swamp area to the mainland.
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