Wednesday, December 28, 2011


A brief description regarding the type of mangrove forest classification based on geomorphology is shown as follows:

1. Over wash mangrove forest
Red mangrove is the dominant species on this island that is often flooded and washed by the tide, resulting in export of organic material with a high level. The maximum tree height is about 7 m.

2. Fringe mangrove forest
Fringe mangroves are found along the canal water, drawn along the coastline whose height is more than the average high tide. The maximum altitude of mangroves is about 10 m.

3. Reverie mangrove forest
This group is the high forest is located along the tidal rivers and bays, is an area of ​​regular flushing. The three types of mangroves, namely white (Laguncularia racemosa), black (Avicennia germinans) and red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) is contained in it. The high average can reach 18-20 m.

4. Basin mangrove forest
This group is usually the type that dwarfs located in the interior marsh Because of the pressure which causes the formation of terrestrial runoff basin or canal to the beach. Red mangroves where there are no tidal flushing, but closer towards the island, white and black mangrove is more dominate. The tree can reach a height of 15 m.

5. hammock forest
Usually similar to the type (4) above, but they were found at the location slightly higher than surrounding areas. All types are high but rarely more than 5 m.

6. Scrub or dwarf forests
This type of community is typically found on the outskirts of the low. All three types are found but rarely exceed 1.5 m (4.9 ft). Nutrient is a limiting factor.

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